This video is based a set of Intentions created by Tony Burroughs called The Code. This is a great video to look at daily or when you may be feeling stressed. Enjoy!
Discover Your Best at Any Age

Here is an excerpt from my free ebook. One must not measure a man only by his character, but his inner state of love. Love is an overwhelming influence that fluctuates from time to time in the knowing that all…
Thoughts are creating our Future – Louise L. Hay
Louise hay is founder of Hay House a huge spiritual publishing company. According to Louise, every thought we think, and every word we speak, are creating our own future. Our thoughts go out into the universe, are accepted and brought…
Our 5 Steps to Empower People
As a result of the changing economy, people are being forced to examine how they conduct themselves via their thoughts, behaviors and actions at work and at home. People are questioning their current way of doing things, biases that could…
Celebrate the Small Stuff As You Transition

Transitioning to a new state of being is often times gradual. I was talking to a client who was not at a point where she wanted to be in her life. She had overcome a lot of obstacles and barriers;…
Limiting Stress in a Crazy World

People are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of seeing violence around the world, managing personal issues, COVID, natural disasters, paying bills in a timely fashion and more. Just looking at news alone, can cause stress in many people.…
Love is in the Air Today!

Today is a very special day…It is Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day is a day of sharing love. On this day, people celebrate the gift of love by sharing gifts such as chocolate, flowers and other beautiful treats. This day is…
Show Passion Even in the Meantime

I was listening to Russell Simmons on the radio the other day; he was advertising his new book called Super Rich: a Guide to Having It All. Russell Simmons said people should be passionate about everything they do. So if…
5 ways to create a better future in our new world

I know I write a lot about this, but it is clear to me that our Earth is shifting. It is clear as a result of the changes in the weather, the atmospheric conditions and the inner space of love…
Discover Your Best At Any Age

Developing and nurturing yourself is extremely important in your life. As a result of emotions such as depression, greed, sadness, etc., people may behave in a manner that is not consistent with one’s true self. This can get you off balance and you begin to neglect some parts of yourself. Thus, it is important to take a look inside to determine how you can continue to grow by increasing your self-awareness, forming healthy habits and becoming more focused.
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