As a result of the changing economy and cultural climates, people are beginning to more thoroughly examine how they view themselves and others around them; they are communicating more with peers and learning about other cultures and communities. As a result of recent political and business indiscretions, people are discovering ways of integrating in an ever so changing world with integrity and accountability.
Video: Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days
Are you ready to set and accomplish a goal in 30 days?
How well do you communication with different generations?
As a result of people living longer, more generations are working and interacting together. These different groups are communicating and learning about each other more often than they have done in the past. People are simply living longer and want to contribute to society.
A Video About a Woman’s Near Death Experience
This is a video about Patricia Grabow who was once pronounced dead. She feels the purpose of creation is to learn love.
Today, Accept Yourself Just As You Are
Today, accept yourself just as you are with no harsh criticism or judgments about yourself, your past or present.
Today is International Women’s Day!
Source: The first International Women’s Day events were run in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland in 1911 and attended by over one million people. 100 years on, International Women’s Day (IWD) has become a global mainstream phenomena celebrated across…
Discover Your Best at Any Age
Here is an excerpt from my free ebook. One must not measure a man only by his character, but his inner state of love. Love is an overwhelming influence that fluctuates from time to time in the knowing that all…
In this Video,Wayne Dyer teaches people a method they can use to change damaging habits and move into new realms of possibility.
Our 5 Steps to Empower People
As a result of the changing economy, people are being forced to examine how they conduct themselves via their thoughts, behaviors and actions at work and at home. People are questioning their current way of doing things, biases that could…
Celebrate the Small Stuff As You Transition
Transitioning to a new state of being is often times gradual. I was talking to a client who was not at a point where she wanted to be in her life. She had overcome a lot of obstacles and barriers;…
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