Experiences that have occurred within a persons life lead to perceptions of how they view themselves and the world and how they communicate with others. This can impact a leaders effectiveness.
If a leader has created unhealthy beliefs, it can limit their effectiveness. Here are some examples of the impact of maintaining unhealthy beliefs.

- bad attitudes
- inability to delegate
- poor decision making skills
- engage in unhealthy habits such as such as substance abuse, physical and emotional abuse (being a victim or being abusive to others)
- unrealistic expectations
Often times, its important to get to the root of the problem to change unhealthy behaviors, attitudes and assumptions. We can do this by first examining our Beliefs. Beliefs are a subset of feelings (or one strong feeling) that can lead someone to form how they view themselves and the world.
This information is categorized, and people form beliefs about it. Your beliefs impact the way you view things, create assumptions, and put yourself in situations. It impacts your relationships, how you communicate with others, and your effectiveness in leading yourself and others.
Beliefs lead to forming intentions. Intention is a feeling of what you want to experience and leads to behavior. For example, If one of your core beliefs is a feeling of powerlessness, you can attract people and situations that perpetuate this belief through your sub-conscious mind.
Take time to think about your healthy and unhealthy beliefs. What beliefs are leading you to success? What are your beliefs that limit your success or activate your triggers?
Learn more about our workbook, Discover Yourself, to help you limit unhealthy beliefs and manage your triggers.