Are you experiencing stress? Has the economy got you down? Are you facing unexpected crisis and not clear about how you will manage? Currently, all across America, people are experiencing things or seeing things they never thought might happen to them or the people they love. Many people in America are experiencing things that millions of people around the world have been experiencing for years: poverty, limited job opportunities and insufficient resources.
As a result of these happenings, people loose the ability to focus on what they know works and sometimes develop a perceived inability to cope with stress. Stress is a normal active part of ones life. What do you feel you can do to minimize or avoid stress? Here are some suggestions.
First, develop a warrior mindset. A warrior is a person who may be experiencing hardship and realizes that the hardship that they may face is only a temporary state. A warrior has endurance and focuses on what she has and what she aims to be. Having a warrior mindset helps an individual prosper through a seemingly unbearable situation.
Second, take time daily to self-reflect by meditating or relaxing your mind and body for five to ten minutes. Ask yourself questions such as ‘What is my divine purpose in life?’, ‘What do I need to learn from this situation?’ Make sure you take three to five deep breaths before this process and just relax.
Third, as we transition we need to make sure our mind, bodies and spirit is working at optimal levels.
Diet. Be cognizant of the foods that you put into your body. You don’t have to perfect your diet, however, it is important to take a regular look at the foods you put into your body and ask yourself, is this providing the nutrients my body needs to stay healthy and active? What changes do I need to make? What foods do I need to decrease or increase in my daily diet? How can I incorporate foods that give me the most energy and the most nutrients? How can I reduce eating foods that really taste good, but are not healthy for me?
Express Gratitude. In the midst of stress, when you are first having that feeling or inclination of stress, determine what you are grateful for. Say one or more thing(s) that you are grateful for each day. Let someone at work, or at home know what you appreciate about them.
Develop and say affirmations daily, with intention. Every word you say or speak is an affirmation. Think in a more affirmative way. Limit your intake of mis-fortunate and sometimes misleading information by limiting your intake of news, negative people and negative environments. Create a positive space within yourself and your environment. Focus on strategies to solve a problem instead of focusing on what is bad. For example, instead of focusing on the fact that you or someone may be unemployed, focus on creative ways to find job opportunities; determine, how can you use your talents. Matter chatter about lacking something or someone infuses limitations in your thoughts and eventually your experiences.
Fourth, know the facts. There is always someone in a worst situation than you are. If you are practicing self-pity then look around you. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, go out and help someone else, who may be in more need than you.
These are some tips to help you manage through a crisis. For more information about the services that I provide, please go to We would be happy help you and your group, discover your best!
© Dr. Jessica, 2008/
Published in the Historic West End, May 2009