Some people have an inability to feel gratitude as a result of emotional trauma, mental roadblocks, not feeling anything is enough or ones upbringing.
Going from anxious to curious
. Triggers can be brought on by past experiences (e.g., a reminder of past anxieties or traumas), challenged beliefs or they may be brought on by something that is inconsistent with your values. Slowing down to reflect, instead of acting on emotional requires time and effort.
How are your beliefs impacting your decisions?
What beliefs do you have about yourself? How are these beliefs impacting your success or the way you think and live your life?
Who Am I? A Self-Discovery Challenge
Research has shown that people who can interpret their actions, feelings and thoughts are better communicators and they make better decisions.
3 strategies to use everyday to minimize stress and anxiety
This video discusses three strategies that will help you relax and stay calm
4 Keys to Active Listening
Active listening is key when leading people through change. People want to be heard.
Breathing Exercises for Relaxation – Leading in a Changing World
Deep breathing allows you to receive spontaneous insights and activate your creativity.