Unfortunately, personal tragedies, physical or emotional abuse or maybe not achieving a specific goal can leave a scar and hampers the way we see ourselves and others. As a result, we may form beliefs that are not true to our authentic selves. This can lead to…
Creating Your Purpose Statement (Step 3)
Are you clear about your purpose? Are you clear about what you genuinely want to do or represent as a leader? Are you clear about your strengths? In this article, we will review the steps you need to take to create a leadership purpose statement.
Building Resilient Leaders: Physical Body (Step 2)
As a result of changes in work and school schedules for many people, loss of a daily routine can increase anxiety and disrupt how we care for our physical body or it gives us an opportunity to make needed changes in our lives.
9 ways to Improve Employees Performance
9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Employees
Today’s Coaching Tip
Today’s Coaching Tip: Creating love in your life will lead you in forming a new world.
Today’s Coaching Tip: Get to the Point!
Your competition is the attention span. Rambling, unfocused speeches will earn you few supporters. A powerful presentation stays on message, is made up of short sentences and gets to the point quickly. Jenna Goudreau
Happy Friday! Let’s Move…
If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree! Zig Ziglar
Do you acknowledge your successes?
What are your successes in your personal life and career? Are you celebrating your successes? Or just focusing on your mishaps? Place your comments below! I would like to hear from you!
Today’s Coaching Tip
Focus on Self-Development, Not Self-Fulfillment: “Self-fulfillment means doing what I enjoy most and will receive the most strokes for doing, while self-development means doing what I am talented and uniquely fit to do, and that becomes my responsibility.” By focusing on self-development,…
Today’s Coaching Tip
It is important to express your feelings of sadness, anger, or disappointment – do not disguise them.
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