Harnessing focused thoughts is taking control of your thoughts.  Know it takes time and patience to harness what you want.  Change generally does not occur overnight.  So, during this process, be kind and gentle to yourself.  Focusing your thoughts on what you don’t want keeps you in a state of lack and limitations.
As you (re)discover more about yourself, here are some ways to help you harness focused thoughts.
Soothe mind talk.  Make sure your mind chatter reflects who you are, what you desire, and what you intend to be.  Take inventory of what you are thinking.  Remember that every word you say, speak or sing is an affirmation.  What are you affirming?
     You can help manage mind-talk by keeping your thoughts focused on what you want and what you want to represent, not on what you don’t want or what you don’t want to represent.  You can also manage mind talk by focusing on and practicing spiritual principles on a regular basis.
     When you experience thoughts or feelings about a fear or something that does not represent you, don’t get frustrated.  Accept yourself as you are at the present moment.  Create feelings of ease as that thought dissipates from your mind.  By feeling uneasy or resentful about that thought, you can self-sabotage and create an environment for that energy to keep repeating itself in your thoughts.
      Take time to put gratitude at the top of your mind, practice mindfulness and deep breathing.
Be authentic.  When I see people who are extremely nice, they often do not complain about anything or anyone.  They always seem to show a nice disposition, even when they are treated badly, and may not express their true feelings.  It is important to express your feelings of sadness, anger, or disappointment – do not disguise them.  If you do disguise your true feelings on a consistent basis, at some point all of these feelings come raging out at something or someone in an uncontrollable moment.  Let’s face it, life sucks sometimes, but how you manage and get through it is what really counts.
Know your imprint.  Think about and reflect on what imprint you are leaving on the world and people around you.  Determine what you are projecting to others.  How does your behavior or attitude impact them, especially your children? Remember, what you say, sing, or speak is an affirmation, repeated over and over.  You project your energy onto others; others project their energy onto you.
      Recognize how your energy vibrates on the outside.  You may say something, but really not mean it.  People, especially children, can pick up a different sense of awareness through your vibrations that you send off.  Energy is levels of vibrations that are unseen to the naked eye but potentially felt by others.
Manage your environment.  Information you take in and people you associate with have an impact on your emotional well-being.
     I had a client who watched news for maybe three hours a day.  She said that she needed to know what was going on in the world.  However, her main developmental area was that she needed to work on her thoughts and outlook on life.  She focused her attention on the bad that was occurring in the world.  Now, do you think that watching news for this length of time everyday helped or hindered her? I think it creates a more distrustful and paranoid state of existence because you are seeing the same bad news over and over again.
      One way to manage your thoughts is to limit information in your environment that will hinder you in your development.  Be selective of information that you take in and listen to on a regular basis such as information on television, the internet or the radio.
     Also, choose your associates wisely.  Surround yourself with people who support you in developing yourself to the fullest potential, to being the best that you can be.  Limit interactions with people and situations that may drain you.  Some people can hold you back and restrict you just by mere interactions and not genuinely mean it.  Create love for all living souls in your heart but recognize that everybody is not your friend. 
Know that every thought you have impacts your life’s experiences.  Your thoughts and feelings create the fabric of your life.  Your thoughts place you on a specific path that you will walk with throughout your life.  Moreover, I feel we all have the opportunity to change our path simply by changing our thoughts, at any point in time.
     Choose your best path, the path that creates and fuels love within your thoughts and actions.

Click here to learn more about our books and journals to help you activate your best self.

A part of knowing who you are is knowing your triggers. Triggers can cause us to recall a traumatic experience or event. In order to remain calm, its important to know and have a plan for managing triggers before they arise.

A part of knowing who you are is knowing your triggers. Triggers can be brought on by past experiences (e.g., a reminder of past anxieties or traumas), challenged beliefs or they may be brought on by something that is inconsistent with your values. Slowing down to reflect, instead of acting on emotional requires time and effort. And it gives you peace of mind.

To identify your triggers

Here are some keys to help you reflect on your triggers, before you are triggered.

  1. Determine what happened. Reflect. Determine what caused your trigger. 
  2. What did you sense? What did you feel, observe, or communicate?   What were your emotions? Where did you feel the emotion in your body? Notice what you said to yourself and others. Were there key phrases?
  3. What is your story? Why did this cause an emotional/physical reaction?
  4. What can be done differently? Create a strategy to help eliminate or limit the trigger. Determine what you can do differently? Is there a new direction to take?

Click here to learn more about our books and journals to help you activate your best self.

     There are many factors that impact our current way of looking at things, and how we view the world.  People may form unhealthy thoughts and beliefs about themselves as a result of perceptions of inadequacies triggered by personal tragedies, physical or emotional abuse, unattractive physical appearance, lack of education, etc.

     This information is categorized and people form beliefs about it.  Your beliefs impact the way you view things, create assumptions, and put yourself in situations.  Here are some examples of beliefs people create about themselves such as power, value, goodness and love.

Beliefs lead to forming intentionsIntention is a feeling of what you want to experience and leads to behavior.  If one of your core beliefs is a feeling of powerlessness, you can attract people and situations that perpetuate this belief through your sub-conscious mind.

     Due to forming unhealthy beliefs about something, a person may (through intention):

When this occurs, individuals are essentially looking for love and trying to validate themselves through intentions.  When a person’s mind and heart is filled with fear, anger and sadness, they limit blessings and opportunities that may exist for them, simply through their thoughts.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to identify and re-create a belief.

1.What is a limiting belief that is keeping you stuck?

2. How does the belief make you feel? What thoughts do you have about yourself and others? When did you first become aware of this belief? What experiences shaped it?

3. What type of reality do you want to create and who can help you create it (if anyone)?

Remember, beliefs are like magnets – they attract what makes them stronger. So, make sure your beliefs are aligned to who your true, authentic self.

Click here to learn more about our books and journals to help you activate your best self,

People are living in a state of transition.  Things are changing and they are changing rapidly.  Within the past few years, people have been challenged by changes in how we work and communicate with each other, personal and political values, family and cultural dynamics and more. How can we react wisely to change?

Research has shown that people who can interpret their actions, feelings and thoughts are better communicators and they make better decisions.

When coping with change and interacting with others, it is important to know and act on our highest power and our highest potential. This can simply be done through introspection and self-discovery: Discovering and re-discovering your best state by raising our personal power in a rapidly changing world. Self Discovery is having a clear understanding of yourself and your individual journey. Here are some questions to ask yourself in your quest to gain a clear understanding of your SELF.

By going through a process of self-discovery and awareness, you will feel empowered to live life to your highest potential by positioning yourself on a path to see, be, and surround yourself with the loving energies that exist in the universe.  It helps you become committed to enduring life with patience, while enjoying the good and the chronicles of life.

Going through the process of self-discovery is for people of all ages – as we continue to grow, learn and change. I challenge you to take time to identify and clarify your strengths, areas of growth and true passions, on a regular basis. Learn and relearn things about yourself as you continue to grow and develop.

Once you clarify who you are and your aims, take specific action to improve in an area, get better at something, or simply activate your true purpose.

Click here to learn more about our books and journals to help you activate your best self.

Are you back at work and stress already? Are you having time focusing? This video discusses three strategies that will help you relax and stay calm on a regular basis: deep breathing, mindfulness and gratitude.

As a result of new technologies, global changes, and local and global crisis – more than ever, people want to form connections with others. As we learn about ourselves, our families, and communities, we may ask ourselves, who do I connect with and why?

In the workbook Discover Yourself, I created a model, social circles of influence, to help people clarify their social connections. Reflecting on our social circles helps us determine who we need to connect with more frequently or less frequently.

Learn more in our workbook, Discover Yourself.

Today we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King.  Martin Luther King devoted much of his life to implementing justice and equality for all. He also invoked a spirit of courage, when he stood up for what he believed in, without giving control of his thoughts to the consequences. On this day, we celebrate his life as well as what he brought forth to our entire nation.

Since Martin Luther King sparked a great energy of courage, let’s define courage today. 

Courage allows us to test out our true beliefs. Imagine if Martin Luther King did not have courage to face the atrocities that existed in front of him? Where would we all be now?

As a result of his courage and faith in a higher source, he was able stand up for what he believed in and helped people not only in America, but across the world because he stood up veraciously for what he thought was right which was justice and equal rights for all people.

Having courage is about having the tenacity to stand up for what you know is right and take steps in a certain direction, no matter what the perceived outcome. Courage takes patience and willingness.

In life, there are times when there will be upsets or hardships. During these times, it is important to foster a spirit of courage to endure and move forward with whatever situation you are in. You are your path, which is full of changes, adventures, hardships, and mysteries; so, it is important to experience these obstacles with love, helping you to endure tough times.

Having faith and an inner space of love gives one courage to endure tough times and stand up to whatever challenges one may be facing. Once you have courage, you can stand up for what you believe in or what you feel is right.

Take this day to reflect on how you can be more courageous in your life, like a great leader, Martin Luther King. What can you do to be more courageous? What can you learn from people who are courageous?

Courage is one of the principles in the book, Discover Yourself a Personal Development Workbook.  Click here to learn more about our workbooks and journals.

Creating SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely) goals and following through is the cornerstone of your success.

Brian Tracy

Have you thought about what you want to accomplish in 2023? Changes you want to make in how you feel or what you do? Are you stuck and haven’t started creating your goals for 2023?

Planning out your specific goals and following through is key to your success and reaching your desired goals. When people don’t plan or take action, goals do not get accomplished, and they often go by the waist side.

Successful people have and follow through on specific goals. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. Setting goals enables you to organize your time and your resources so you can achieve what you truly desire in life.

This video reveals the different sections in our Best Self Journal. Click here to learn more about our workbooks and journals.

The foundation of effective people management is setting expectations. This practice begins at the time of hiring and is a dynamic and continuous process. Ensuring staff knows what is expected of them is more than defining performance expectations through a job description—although this is the baseline. It is connecting staff’s efforts to the goals of the departments larger goals and strategies.

In order to ensure expectations are clear and connected to the overall goals of the organization, managers need to set the stage for dialogue and establish a consistent and iterative process through which both employees and managers can improve outcomes.

View our video below to review steps to take to set clear expectations

Experiences that have occurred within a persons life lead to perceptions of how they view themselves and the world and how they communicate with others. This can impact a leaders effectiveness.

If a leader has created unhealthy beliefs, it can limit their effectiveness. Here are some examples of the impact of maintaining unhealthy beliefs.

Often times, its important to get to the root of the problem to change unhealthy behaviors, attitudes and assumptions. We can do this by first examining our Beliefs. Beliefs are a subset of feelings (or one strong feeling) that can lead someone to form how they view themselves and the world.

This information is categorized, and people form beliefs about it.  Your beliefs impact the way you view things, create assumptions, and put yourself in situations.  It impacts your relationships, how you communicate with others, and your effectiveness in leading yourself and others.

Beliefs lead to forming intentionsIntention is a feeling of what you want to experience and leads to behavior.  For example, If one of your core beliefs is a feeling of powerlessness, you can attract people and situations that perpetuate this belief through your sub-conscious mind.

Take time to think about your healthy and unhealthy beliefs. What beliefs are leading you to success? What are your beliefs that limit your success or activate your triggers?

Learn more about our workbook, Discover Yourself, to help you limit unhealthy beliefs and manage your triggers.

For any additional questions, call or text us at 404-954-0211 I Email us at [email protected]