“The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I’. They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’. They understand their job to…
Week 2: Jan. 28, 2013, Building Better Thoughts and Feelings!

Happy Monday! We are now going into week two on our 6-week personal growth series. Last week we had tips and quotes to help relax our inner mind, focus on the now and stay centered. This week, we will focus…
Video: The Power of Vulnerability
Dr. Jessica Blalock is director of The Center for Discovery. She offers executive coaching, consulting, creative books, videos and workshops that promote self-discovery and personal growth for leaders and emerging leaders. Email | Web | Blog | Twitter | Facebook…
Managing Sadness and Depression

Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us. Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us.
Quick Suggestions to Help You Effectively Communicate Under Pressure

Here are some quick suggestions to help you communicate to others your thoughts and feelings in a relaxed state, when you are under pressure.
Video: Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days
Are you ready to set and accomplish a goal in 30 days?
How well do you communication with different generations?

As a result of people living longer, more generations are working and interacting together. These different groups are communicating and learning about each other more often than they have done in the past. People are simply living longer and want to contribute to society.
Today, Accept Yourself Just As You Are

Today, accept yourself just as you are with no harsh criticism or judgments about yourself, your past or present.
Personal Development Resources
Here are some blogs that can help you center yourself, discover your best, and create a better world. Emotional Wellness Anger Management Adapting to Change Inspirational Sayings-Useful Tips on Self Improvement Stress Management For Women Mid-Life Renewal Managing Depression Learning…
Ten Intentions For A Better World
This video is based a set of Intentions created by Tony Burroughs called The Code. This is a great video to look at daily or when you may be feeling stressed. Enjoy!