Within the past 10 years, there has been a surge of scandals that have come out in the media about practices of ministers, businessmen, politicians, etc. that have come out in the media about practices of ministers, businessmen, politicians, etc.…
Step 3 (out of 5): Follow Your Purpose Passionately

I have asked many of my clients in the past, what is your mission in life (life’s purpose), what do you want to contribute to the world? Many seem to be unsure, really not clear about their life’s purpose. This…
Step 2 (out of 5): Examining Your Personal Strengths and Areas of Development

We are now moving to step two of the five steps to self discovery. This step examines ones personal strengths and areas of development examining ones emotional, physical and social self. More information can be found in the Workbook Discover…
2011 is about taking personal power…
2011 is about taking personal power for whatever situation that you are in and being guided by the slate of love that will bring hope, resilience and harmony to your life. As you arise in the New Year, 2011, give…
10 Tips on Managing Change

Nowadays, it seems that many people are experiencing some sort of change such as moving to a new state, loss or creation of a job, personal issues coming to the forefront or maybe family challenges.
Be careful of the words you speak!

Every word you say or speak is an affirmation. What have you affirmed today?
Do You Like What You See When You Look in the Mirror?
I was working with a group of women several weeks ago and I ask the question, what do you see when you look in the mirror; specifically, what do you see when you look deep into your eyes? Most of the comments I got were…
As the world shifts, make shifts in how you see yourself and the world
March, 2010, was a challenging month for me as I continue to learn about myself and the world around me. No one knows exactly what the future holds as we are blindsided in the dark; the dark of illusions that exists within us and between us hampering our light.
Create An Inner Space of Love

One must not measure a man only by his character, but his inner state of love. Love is an overwhelming influence that fluctuates from time to time in the knowing that all is good, all is love. So what does love really mean?
Being In Gratitude

Often times, we focus more on what we need and desire, and take little time focusing on basic and material things or even our accomplishments. Millions of people throughout the world don’t have essentials (food, shelter, water) needed to survive. On this note, we should always be in a state of gratitude.
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