As the world shifts, make shifts in how you see yourself and the world

March, 2010, was a challenging month for me as I continue to learn about myself and the world around me. No one knows exactly what the future holds as we are blindsided in the dark; the dark of illusions that exists within us and between us hampering our light.

I see a lot of people in transition, not only in America but in other countries as well. We are transitioning the way we view ourselves, how we handle our day to day business, and how we view our world.

Transition is not always a fun thing, but sometimes it’s necessary. As our world shifts we should all be asking ourselves, what active role do I play in this shift? How can I contribute to the growth and not the alienation of mankind? How can I support myself, along with the growth and development of others?

The active role we can play in this shift is first to love. Loving ourselves and others as ourselves.

We need to live in the shadow of our love. Perplexing all angles or avenues that exists precariously through the center of our being. Moving and shift from I to we. Know ourselves and our connection to our own, individual source as love pours down to our hearts.

Managing to clearly know our paths; what we are passionate about. Knowing what are we hear to do learn and to be and how can we contribute to society and to the world. Knowing that we are all made from the same source, so we are all equal in being or existence with different roles and responsibilities that are shared as one source. We focus our minds, body’s’ and spirits on our love.

When we find the love inside of us, no matter what point we are in, we can trickle this out to others. This takes time and patience.

As I am learning now to be patient in the moment, for it is only a moment in time. Taking the right actions at the right time and no actions when you have done all that you can do. At this point, you have accomplished the notion of being, secluded in the minds of all.

So, as we continue to see and experience varying shift this year, we must all do our part in doing and being the best we can and helping out where we can. Even if it is something we think as small (not up trash on the street, opening the door for an elderly lady). Any and all contributions make a difference as we shift our way of being.

Take care.

Dr. Jessica

© Dr. Jessica, 2010

Dr. Jessica is a Psychologist and Empowerment Coach with the Center for Discovery. She helps women experiencing a personal or career transition discover their highest potential, using proven principles and practices of mind, body, and spiritual development.
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