Nearly 450 million people are affected by mental illness worldwide. In wealthy nations, just half receive appropriate care, but in developing countries, close to 90 percent go untreated because psychiatrists are in such short supply. Vikram Patel outlines a highly…
Week 4 Feb 13: Building a Healthy Body!

Today’s tip is to take time to identify the root cause of “bad stress” that you may be having and discover ways to minimize or eliminate your stress.
Week 4 Feb 11: Building a Healthy Body

Week 4. Building Healthy Bodies: Happy Monday! Welcome to week four of our six week series, with tips and quotes on personal growth and leadership development. The past three weeks seem like they just flew by! This week, I will…
Today’s Tip: Breathe..

Today’s Tip: Take time to practice deep breathing throughout the day (especially under stress). Inhale affirmative beliefs or passions you want in your life and exhale what is no longer wanted or needed. Deep breathing helps you relax and helps…
Managing Sadness and Depression

Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us. Everyone has felt sad or down at some time in their life as a result of life events such as a move to another city, loss of a job, medical reasons, etc. This is a normal part of life and it happens to all of us.
What did Stephen Covey Teach Us?

I was surprised to hear that Stephen Covey died at the age of 79. He had become a great inspiration to many people around the world. Stephen Covey sold millions of books and his most popular book was The Seven…
Abraham Hicks – Now We Are Free!
Great video, check it out!
Discover Your Best at Any Age

Here is an excerpt from my free ebook. One must not measure a man only by his character, but his inner state of love. Love is an overwhelming influence that fluctuates from time to time in the knowing that all…
Thoughts are creating our Future – Louise L. Hay
Louise hay is founder of Hay House a huge spiritual publishing company. According to Louise, every thought we think, and every word we speak, are creating our own future. Our thoughts go out into the universe, are accepted and brought…
Limiting Stress in a Crazy World

People are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of seeing violence around the world, managing personal issues, COVID, natural disasters, paying bills in a timely fashion and more. Just looking at news alone, can cause stress in many people.…
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