Today’s Coaching Tip: Creating love in your life will lead you in forming a new world.
Today’s Coaching Tip: Get to the Point!
Your competition is the attention span. Rambling, unfocused speeches will earn you few supporters. A powerful presentation stays on message, is made up of short sentences and gets to the point quickly. Jenna Goudreau
Today’s Coaching Tip
I saw this posted on Ian Lawton’s twitter page this week and loved it: Until further notice… Celebrate everything. Make sure you create an attitude of gratitude for everything that in your life; successes, mistakes and future opportunities.
Happy Friday! Let’s Move…
If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree! Zig Ziglar
Today’s Coaching Tip
Today’s Coaching Tip: Do you have a mentor? Do you talk to your mentor often? If you don’t, find a mentor that best fits your need or personality. Your mentor could perhaps be an expert in a career area that…
Do you acknowledge your successes?
What are your successes in your personal life and career? Are you celebrating your successes? Or just focusing on your mishaps? Place your comments below! I would like to hear from you!
Today’s Coaching Tip
Focus on Self-Development, Not Self-Fulfillment: “Self-fulfillment means doing what I enjoy most and will receive the most strokes for doing, while self-development means doing what I am talented and uniquely fit to do, and that becomes my responsibility.” By focusing on self-development,…
Today’s Coaching Tip
It is important to express your feelings of sadness, anger, or disappointment – do not disguise them.
Today’s Coaching Tip
Celebrating your own success can be very rewarding. Take time to reflect and think about the progress you have made, even if it’s very small. Write down, reflect and celebrate your small accomplishments and milestones often!
Today’s Coaching Tip
You can help manage mind-talk by keeping your thoughts focused on what you want and what you want to represent, not on what you don’t want or what you don’t want to represent. You can also manage mind talk by…
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