We’ve been in the mountain of war. We’ve been in the mountain of violence. We’ve been in the mountain of hatred long enough. It is necessary to move on now, but only by moving out of this mountain can we…
Today’s Quote

Today demands a new approach for leaders to lead Free of Fear to cultivate their own inner power and value, knowledge, understanding, compassion, deep connections to the natural environment and to be of service to humanity.” Caterina Alberti
Week 1 Jan 25, 2013: Relaxing Your Mind

Today’s Tip: Relax Your Mind. All people have specific principles, a code of conduct they follow on a daily basis. Make sure the principles that you follow represent who you are and what you aim to be. So, examine how…
How well do you communication with different generations?

As a result of people living longer, more generations are working and interacting together. These different groups are communicating and learning about each other more often than they have done in the past. People are simply living longer and want to contribute to society.
What did Stephen Covey Teach Us?

I was surprised to hear that Stephen Covey died at the age of 79. He had become a great inspiration to many people around the world. Stephen Covey sold millions of books and his most popular book was The Seven…
Limiting Stress in a Crazy World

People are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of seeing violence around the world, managing personal issues, COVID, natural disasters, paying bills in a timely fashion and more. Just looking at news alone, can cause stress in many people.…
Daniel Goleman: Why arent we all Good Samaritans?
How the Tucson, Arizona tragedy teaches us about forgiveness (spiritual principle 3 out of 6)

Today, I was watching TV, and saw a family member of one of the victims of the Tucson, Arizona, shooting, go to the home of the Jared Loughner. He wanted to invoke a spirit of forgiveness to Jared for his…
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