Your competition is the attention span. Rambling, unfocused speeches will earn you few supporters. A powerful presentation stays on message, is made up of short sentences and gets to the point quickly. Jenna Goudreau
Today’s Quote

Today demands a new approach for leaders to lead Free of Fear to cultivate their own inner power and value, knowledge, understanding, compassion, deep connections to the natural environment and to be of service to humanity.” Caterina Alberti
Video: The Power of Vulnerability
Dr. Jessica Blalock is director of The Center for Discovery. She offers executive coaching, consulting, creative books, videos and workshops that promote self-discovery and personal growth for leaders and emerging leaders. Email | Web | Blog | Twitter | Facebook…
Video: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

A video on how your body language shapes who you are.
A Video About a Woman’s Near Death Experience
This is a video about Patricia Grabow who was once pronounced dead. She feels the purpose of creation is to learn love.
Today is International Women’s Day!
Source: The first International Women’s Day events were run in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland in 1911 and attended by over one million people. 100 years on, International Women’s Day (IWD) has become a global mainstream phenomena celebrated across…
Thoughts are creating our Future – Louise L. Hay
Louise hay is founder of Hay House a huge spiritual publishing company. According to Louise, every thought we think, and every word we speak, are creating our own future. Our thoughts go out into the universe, are accepted and brought…
Limiting Stress in a Crazy World

People are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of seeing violence around the world, managing personal issues, COVID, natural disasters, paying bills in a timely fashion and more. Just looking at news alone, can cause stress in many people.…
Learning More About the Crisis in Egypt

As we all know by now, there is great conflict and disorder in certain parts of Egypt. We can help people in Egypt by offering kind words and thoughts of Love as they get through this big challenge that is…
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