Are you clear about your personal values? Do you know why some people may irritate you at times? Values are beliefs that motivate people to take action. They can help us navigate the many difficulties and obstacles of life by…
We All Share a Common Purpose
Essentially all people share a common purpose and source.
Today’s Coaching Tip
Focus on Self-Development, Not Self-Fulfillment: “Self-fulfillment means doing what I enjoy most and will receive the most strokes for doing, while self-development means doing what I am talented and uniquely fit to do, and that becomes my responsibility.” By focusing on self-development,…
Today’s Quote
Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They…
Week 5: Feb 19 Activating Your Life’s Passions
Today’s Tip: Today’s Tip: Make sure you are aligned and activating your life’s purpose on a daily basis. If you are not, determine what is your life’s purpose. This could take days, weeks or months to determine. However to begin…
Week 5. Feb 18: Activating Your Passions
You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing. Dale Carnegie For the past four weeks, we have been providing personal growth tips and quotes about relaxing and caring for the physical body and taking control of…
Want To Make Some Big Changes This Year? Join Our 6 Week Blog Series
I am implementing a six week behavioral modification approach that will help you improve your personal growth, self awareness and leadership behaviors all at the same time. I will have a different topic each week for 6 weeks with the…
Harness the Power of the Present Moment
Do you find yourself regularly focusing on the past, wishing you didn’t make certain decisions or wishing things turned out differently from what you anticipated? Or, do you find yourself spending a lot of time thinking about future goals and not celebrating small accomplishments? I have been guilty of both; spending too much time in the past and future with little focus on the present, especially under stress.
Show Resiliance Through Prayer and Gratitude
As we all know, Japan has recently experienced a tsunami that has caused thousands of deaths. The tsunami has destroyed many homes and lives. In several areas of Japan, people are at risk of inhaling toxic fumes from a nuclear…
A Video About a Woman’s Near Death Experience
This is a video about Patricia Grabow who was once pronounced dead. She feels the purpose of creation is to learn love.
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