Recently, we discovered Ted Williams was telling a big Lie! He said he has been clean for over two and a half years. He actually said it over and over, without hesitation and with a straight face. I did wonder, how could he be living in a tent, in cold Ohio, and not get the urge to drink or smoke a little something? His story just didn’t ring well with me.
However, on the other hand, there was something very magical about this story. The magical part of this story was a total stranger put a video of Ted on YouTube, wanting his story to be heard, for he saw what Ted probably doesn’t even see in himself; which is a human with potential, to accomplish or achieve whatever he sets out too; a person with talent, who is capable of reaching any goals he sets out. A person of love.
The world has shown so much compassion for this man, excitedly watching him as he evolves into another person, and potentially gets the help he needs. Though this may be the best and most challenging time of his life, to reach sobriety, however, it can be done.
His family will play a great role in his healing process. However, I do feel life is about free will. We have the free will to make whatever choices that we decide to make.
However, his family (and the world who’s watching) can help him along, as he continues to make choices by what is said to him and our thoughts.
As our Earth shifts, we should shift right along with it. We should create an inner space of love in our hearts for Ted, and others that we think about or see.
One great example of how we should act is the words that Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s’ friends showed to her after the shooting.
Her friends talked to her as she lay in the hospital bed, even though she was unconscious. They were encouraging her, telling her how much she was missed and how proud they were of her. I’m sure to some degree she felt the Love that was surrounding her and the power of friendship! While her friends were in the room talking to her, she opened her eyes for the first time. And since then she has been making progress that may seem like miracles to the doctors.
Simply, I feel that all people are made in the image of God; we do have the ability to change and recover from any and every situation that we are in; if we choose too. So, his family and friends should encourage him through words of kindness and Love; and know, like every living human, he is a gift from God. They can say things like, ‘I know you can overcome this’ or ‘I believe in you, I know you are special and talented.’
By telling him, ‘you are nothing but an alcoholic’,’ you have messed up most of your life’, or ‘I hope you make it through this, you got a long, hard road ahead of you’, can be so discouraging.
So let’s practice in our words and thoughts, to see the Love that Jesus had for people. As he died on the cross he said, ‘I forgive them for they know not what they do’. Know that everyone is capable of moving to their best self which is a great gift of human life!
Dr. Jessica is a Psychologist and Empowerment Coach with the Center for Discovery. She helps women experiencing a personal or career transition discover their highest potential, using proven principles and practices of mind, body, and spiritual development.
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