This is a video about Patricia Grabow who was once pronounced dead. She feels the purpose of creation is to learn love.
What did Stephen Covey Teach Us?

I was surprised to hear that Stephen Covey died at the age of 79. He had become a great inspiration to many people around the world. Stephen Covey sold millions of books and his most popular book was The Seven…
Limiting Stress in a Crazy World

People are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of seeing violence around the world, managing personal issues, COVID, natural disasters, paying bills in a timely fashion and more. Just looking at news alone, can cause stress in many people.…
How the Travesty in Egypt Can Bring People Together

When there are problems or challenges in a Country, the details of the event can travel at the speed of light. Things can get out pretty quickly through Twitter, Facebook and more. Currently, people are fighting for their freedom in…
Be careful of the words you speak!

Every word you say or speak is an affirmation. What have you affirmed today?
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