Be careful of the words you speak!

Every word you say or speak is an affirmation. What have you affirmed today?

Do you often times hear yourself say things like, I am sick and tired of my job or these people make me sick? Through one’s repeated thoughts, words and deeds, one forms affirmations. Basically, you can repeat a certain phrase over and over until your subconscious mind accepts what you are saying as a fact, whether you recognize it or not.

Reflect on what things you say over and over again. Is it or limiting? Is it focused on your true desires? Are your thoughts reflective of your true desires.

Make sure your thoughts are a reflection of what you want to create or project within your life. As a result, you will create a better life and a better you!

Take care.

Dr. Jessica is a Psychologist and Empowerment Coach with the Center for Discovery. She helps women experiencing a personal or career transition discover their highest potential, using proven principles and practices of mind, body, and spiritual development.
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