Communicating with Clarity is the final step of the Leading from the Inside Out series for emerging leaders. This step helps emerging leaders become more self-aware and resilient as changes occur in how well live and work globally. As a result this step, determine what you need to do to communicate more effectively with others and create a SMART goal in the 90 Day Best Self Journal.

What you say or do not say or how you communicate your message can have a great impact on people around you. Especially people you lead.
I am Dr. Jessica and I will be discussing several strategies to help you take control of what you say. This is the fifth video in a video series for emerging leaders to help them become more self-aware and resilient as changes occur in how well live and work globally.
The first strategy is to effectively listen. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily understood. In order to actively listening, focus your full attention on the person who is speaking. By actively listening you can ask good questions, practice compassion and empathy, and listen without judgment. Practicing our strategy deep breathing helps you let go and focus on the speaker.
Take time to listen. If you are distracted, let the person you are communicating with know and tell them this is not a good time.
Communicate often. Communicate changes, new strategies, and other changes often. It lets people know what to expect during changes times. Do not worry if you are communicating too often; you probably are not.
Express compassion. Compassion is understanding or feeling another person’s pain and having the desire to eliminate the pain. A compassionate person responds to pain and attempts to alleviate that pain as if it were one’s own. A compassionate person wants to ease the suffering of others. A compassionate leader leads from within. They inspire others through encouragement and empowerment
A compassionate person also offers understanding and kindness to others when they make mistakes, rather than judging others for past mistakes.
Research has shown that by activating compassion in your life, happiness increases within yourself and those around you. In addition, it improves relationships, reduces depression, and helps you feel more fulfilled. Therefore, take time out of each day to show and feel compassion for yourself, your neighbor, your friend, or even a stranger.
Connect with others. Connect with coworkers, staff, friends, and people you trust often. Check up on them to see how they are doing. Is there anything they need? As if there is any way you can support them. You may need to block time out your schedule for check ins.
Journal your experiences. Write down your lessons learned and your stories and stories from people you support. Also, as we discussed in tun in and turn on, write down your accomplishments as well as your staffs accomplishments (make sure you communicate their successes).
If you need additional help increasing your leadership skills, check out our training and coaching services that help individuals, groups and teams lead from the inside out.